Tuesday, 11 June 2019

30 Days of Red Shirts Day 30 - Beamed into Space

And that's it. Thanks Lee (I think). 

30 Days of Red Shirts Day 29 - Computer Defence Mechanism

I don't know why we talk about the threat of AI in terms of the future. It's clear to me every time I have to change my work passwords that AI is already here. And it's a complete bastard.

30 Days of Red Shirts Day 28 - Hyper-Acceleration.

I think this is referred to as the 'Wiley Coyote Effect'

Monday, 10 June 2019

Sunday, 2 June 2019

30 Days of Redshirts Day 21 - Poisoned Milk

Think once. Think twice. Think, don't steal milk from a guy called 'Korg the Poisoner'.